You're not doing what you have always said you wanted to do...
You are numbing out with social media, Netflix or toxic habits...
You have lost yourself in your roles, like mom, manager, spouse, sister...
You are afraid to speak out and state with confidence that what you truly want is outside of the societal constructs and norms...
You have difficulty talking about the life you want because so many people have told you those dreams are not possible, not secure and irrational...
You have abandoned your life's desires to fit and and put everyone else's happiness before your own
You are not living the life you said you wanted to live when you were 10 years old and your most authentic you and you let society tell you that your true desires aren't possible because you need to be like everyone else in order to be happy...
Is this
your life?!

Imagine THIS

You decided to throw your middle finger up at all the societal expectations, what your parents told you that you should do, what your friends think or want from you and are living a life in alignment with who you are truly meant to be.
How empowering would it feel to know that you OWN the rest of your life and get to decide each choice you make and decide what you want to do next.
This is it, baby! This is where you decide there is no more "some day" and the time is now. We are not promised how much time we get on this earth, but we are guaranteed is the choice to make with what to do with the time we do have.
You can stay miserable or. you can live how YOU want. You can spend your life doing shit you don't want to do or you can take back control of your life.
The choice is yours.
Inner Compass Coaching
This is my 90 day signature and proprietary program and course that redirects you back to the life you want.
Let go of what people want you to be and start living YOUR life
Get the clarity, confidence and courage to pur your needs first and prioritize what you want so you can TAKE ACTION.
Who you have always wanted to be is on the other side of these three months!

Using techniques from my NLP coaching credentials and my 15 years of professional teaching experience, I help you learn, retain and implement new skills, techniques and mindsets.
I take you from feeling unsure and not enough to empowered and confident in your goals.
This program helps you identify trauma points and uses a variety of modalities to help you reframe how these points are unconsciously dictating your behavior so you can break the cycle of feeling stuck. Through personal one-on-one, trauma informed coaching, you will recast how see yourself in your life and deeply connect to your life's purpose, fully confident in your life's desires.

Why this program
Inner Compass Coaching
is for the person who
Has been stuck in the same job for 10 years and is ready to make a change and level up their career with something bigger, bolder and more authentic to who they really are.
Is in a relationship where they do not feel heard or seen, they want to let go of but they can't figure out how and are ultimately too afraid.
has a traumatic family dynamic and the pain is resurfacing in their adult life, playing out the the same toxic and unhelpful patterns that their parents did and they want to break free from.
is tired of playing small. sacrificing, pretending to be someone they are not and they are exhausted by keeping peace to make other people happy and make the relationships function.
isn't sure what they want to do, but know they were meant for something BIG and they are having difficulty going after their goals, often shutting down, avoid completely or numb out because it all feels so out of reach.
Included in this
Signature Program
Take the most life changing journey!
4,997$12 Week Intensive: One-on-One Coaching & Fitness AccessValid for 3 months
Friend, let me tell you...I spent 20 years of my life struggling, angry, anxious, depressed and un-fucking-happy trying to be something I am not.
I spent so much time reading the self-help books, learning the CBT and DBT strategies, navigating the life coaches who took my money, breaking the gnerational trauma of playing small, and bbeing reslient though the downward spirals, the prescribed meds, the group therapy, the heartbreak, the loss and the pain.
Now, I condensed all this experience to something USEFUL so you do not have to spend decades being miserable and wasting time not living the life YOU want.
This course is a way to help YOU when you need it the most.
The years spent in wellness and as a professional educator and now a certified NLP practitioner and condensed into one personalized and effective course to help you get grounded in YOUR purpose and into the life that you want!
When I say I got you, I mean it. And I can't wait to work with you!
Founder, Sweat Remix and The Empowered Millennials

About me and why
I get it!
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Inner Compass